The fashion revolution... Where are your clothes from?

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

We're getting involved in the fashion revolution tomorrow... We're passionate about understanding where our clothes have come from, and what they're made from. We want to raise awareness. Because this stuff matters. And the great news is our fashion savvy customers can get involved too! We're your clothes inside out tomorrow and tweet a pic #insideout it's that simple! 
And for tomorrow only... For fashion revolution day, it's free shipping on EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE. 

So get involved. Play a part. Be cool cats with an ethical ethos. ✌️

REtrose x

Ohhdeer competition

Monday, 7 April 2014

This weekend, I entered a competition with ohhdeer. For 2 weeks anyone has the chance god buy my designs on the ohhdeer website.
Search Emma Rees as the artist.